السبت، 22 أغسطس 2015

South Korea announced entering into negotiations with North Korea

South Korea announced -aleom Sbt- entering into negotiations with North Korea, following the escalating threats of war between the two neighbors, the center of the invitation of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon for the neighbors to refrain from any actions that increase tensions on the Korean peninsula.
The announcement came two hours before the alarm destination Pyongyang to Seoul to timeout.
A spokesman for the South Korean presidency that the meeting will be held in the village of Panmunjom in the nine o'clock GMT.
These developments come after that threatened to Pyongyang's military action against Seoul unless it stopped broadcasting propaganda from loudspeakers along the border between the two countries, while vowed to Seoul to continue broadcasting until the northern neighbor accept responsibility for the explosion of landmines this month in the demilitarized zone wounding Two South Koreans.
South Korean troops have been put on high alert Saturday after North Korea threatened to launch war.
A spokesman for the South Korean presidency "We are ready to respond strongly to any North Korean provocation".
The agency quoted South Korean News Agency (Yonhap) reported military sources as saying that Pyongyang's artillery units deployed on the border for a possible blow to South Korean loudspeakers broadcasting propaganda across the border.

North Korean leader threatened to enter into war with southern neighbor (European)
Deadline and threat
For its part, North Korea said Friday night that the troops on the border are in a "full arms and prepare to fight" with the deadline at five o'clock (8:30 UTC) on Saturday.
The foreign minister warned North Korea that the situation "came to the brink of war," adding: army and people are willing to risk all-out war not only as a reaction to repel, but to defend the system chosen by our people.
For his part, Myung Hun Assistant Permanent Representative to Pyongyang at the United Nations emphasized "if South Korea did not respond to Anmarna (to stop the propaganda), the response we did the military will become inevitable and will be very strong."
Agency official North Korean news reported that "Kim Jong-un has issued in his capacity as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army is to enter joint units of the Army of the Korean people in the front line in a state of war in order to be ready to fight and to launch a surprise operations."
The international community and has a long experience with North Korea's threats but fears an escalation possible.

US and South Korean soldiers near the demarcation line with North Korea (Reuters)
International calls
Tensions on the Korean peninsula after the exchange to launch the first artillery shells on Thursday, prompting the United Nations and the United States and China, the only major -ahaliv Aana- to Pyongyang to appeal for calm.
In this context, Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary General of the United Nations Erie Makinnico At said, speaking to reporters on Friday, at UN headquarters in New York-Ban Ki-moon was "extremely concerned about the escalation of tension on the Korean peninsula, and calls for the two Koreas to take no action, lead escalation and to increase tension between the two countries. "
The UN official explained that "the Secretary-General is following closely the developments of the situation, and deeply concerned about the current escalation in the region."
In Brussels, the European Union called on Friday to "avoid provocations" after the exchange of artillery fire between the two Koreas.
The United States also urged Pyongyang to avoid any further escalation, with the Pentagon stressed its commitment to defend its ally South Korea, while China called for calm and restraint.
It is noteworthy that North Korea and South Korea entered the war in the period between 1950-1953, ended with a cease-fire, not a peace agreement.
And come back another direct attack from the north to the south to 2010, when Pyongyang shelled the South Korean border island of Yeonpyeong, killing two civilians and two soldiers.
Source: Al-Jazeera and agencies
Keywords: North Korea, South Korea, Seoul, Pyongyang war alert

Cessation of military maneuvers between Washington and Seoul because of the tension between the two Koreas

Cessation of military maneuvers between Washington and Seoul because of the tension between the two Koreas

South Korea re-installation of the propaganda loudspeakers on the border in 2010.
South Korea and the United States announced the suspension of joint military exercises between the two countries early because of increased tension between the two Koreas.
The news agency Reuters news assurances from US military official unnamed halt exercises, named "Oulche Freedom".

In the meantime, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon North and South Korea called for restraint and not to escalate.
The spokeswoman for the Secretary-General Erie Kaneko "The Secretary-General calls for both sides to exercise restraint and not take any actions that lead to Zaardh tension."
Maneuvers began four days ago to simulate how to repel South Korean troops invaded the potential of its northern neighbor and was scheduled to continue until the 28th of this month.
And cause annual joint exercises between Seoul and Washington usually to raise North Korea, which it considers a direct threat to invade its territory.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and ordered the armed forces of his country to raise the degree of readiness after an exchange of fire with South Korean troops along the fortified border between the two countries.
It was quoted by the official news agency of North Korea's Jong-un as saying that the country "in a semi-state of war", during an emergency meeting on Thursday evening.
And ensure that the IAEA report to the threat of military action against Seoul unless they stop broadcasting propaganda hostile to Pyongyang via loudspeakers published by Seoul along the border in conjunction with the joint military exercises with US forces.
Often unit of media discourse from North Korea toward its southern neighbor in times of rising tensions between the two countries, and already Pyongyang that launched similar threats before.
Says Steve Aevansn BBC correspondent in South Korea, Seoul that despite the familiarity of this hostile rhetoric and its development is often to an exchange of fire between the two sides, we see that the speech this time more severe and artillery shells have emerged at the forefront of the scene.
The official news agency, Pyongyang said that North Korean President gave instructions to the armed forces to be at the highest level of readiness "for military operations at any time", in the framework of an emergency meeting of Kim Jong-un with senior military commanders.
North Korea has warned that it will take aggressive military action in the event of continuing Seoul broadcast negative publicity towards them through loudspeakers deployed along the border between the two countries, and threatened to destroy the special broadcasts to North Korea in the "48 hours" devices.
The Minister of unity in South Korea to the news agency Reuters that Pyongyang was sent to his country includes a speech she was willing to solve the problem, although it is the media discourse South Korea as a declaration of war on them.

Kim Jong Un ordered his armed forces to be ready for war
And it escalated tensions after North Korea launched several missiles on the border along with its southern neighbor in protest at the negative propaganda broadcast by Seoul against Pyongyang, a bombardment that came for the first time after tensions on the border between the two countries, which lasted more than 11 years has stopped.
South Korea had earlier threatened to resume broadcast propaganda over loudspeakers at the border between the two countries, but despite the installation of the speakers at that time, do not use them SEOUL, preferring the use of broadcasting over short frequency waves "FM" up to North Korea.
In 2004, the two Koreas reached an agreement to dismantle loudspeakers with their own propaganda in the border region.
Comes the sound of propaganda loudspeakers as part of a psychological warfare program according to The Korea Times, South Korean, and that purpose was to broadcast the news that you want to connect Seoul to the North Korean soldiers stationed in the border area which can be accessed voice.
On the tenth of August / August of this, South Korea re-run broadcast over loudspeakers in response to the injury of one of its soldiers in a landmine explosion in the demilitarized zone, which North Korea was considered responsible.
According to the military authorities that North Korea broadcast propaganda regained its southern neighbor after the incident a few days later.
Nevertheless, the reports said that the speakers used by North Korea's poor to the point that it is difficult to understand what is broadcast through it.